Monday, November 20, 2006


Dare I read something more
into this friendship of ours?
Or is it asking too much
of an alliance of six hours?

I realise it's much too soon;
such matters usually take days.
Yet, since you came like a long-chased boon,
my life has changed in subtle ways.

I've suffered a lot in the past,
I've cried my tears, I've done my pleading;
I've stumbled and faltered, and often slipped,
and was always left sore and bleeding...

But now, my gait has an easy pace,
there's a spring in my step, a smile on my face.
You taught me how to forget, at last,
the faithless cruelties of my past.

I've never had anyone like you,
encouraging me to test my feet,
nor have I had the confidence myself
that I could ever outrun defeat.

Yet, today in your softness
I forget my pain...
In the tenderness of your caress,
I revel and live again.

I thank my fate,
it brought us together,
and thought me worthy
of such a blessed treasure.

I promise, I'll love you true.
I promise, I'll care for you.
I'll polish you before every use...
my new, black, soft-leather shoes!


Snehal said...

Richa... you make me so proud (i curtsy here ;))
When is your anthology coming out?

abhas said...

good one.. :D
nice warning for those who might be dreaming to be one!!