Sunday, November 9, 2008

Love becomes her

The kohl-lined eyes
hold innumerable joys
The fair cheeks flush
with the warmth of a blush
Silken tresses form
an elegant chignon
Two dimples style
a shy little smile
The swish of silk
The band of gold
Celebrate anew
the bond of old.
She walks in beauty; a vision, a delight
She walks in love; in ethereal light...

This is for Vijaya - the victorious one!! To celebrate her engagement on 7th November, when she looked radiantly beautiful and oh so happy, it took everyone's breath away!! Guess that's what happens when your dreams come true... [sigh!!] :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Have a good day!

It's a normal day
I like it that way
You come with the breeze
flowers and the bees
nt, unsure
of the bright vibgyor
I pause...
and I cause
your interest to wane.
With impatient disdain
you take back all you brought;
and then some you had not.
You turn away with a flounce -
the way you'd come.
In my sky I behold
my extinguished sun.

(Have you ever noticed how Life, Success, Happiness - all treat us this way??? Entice us with more and then take away what we do have! Guess that's how it's meant to be! SHEESH!!!)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Every Other Woman’s Story…

Alright!! I admit defeat
So I got tempted enough to cheat
The heart-felt vows - repeated often
In a matter of minutes - all forgotten

One look and I go weak
Drawn - so helpless and meek
Eyes glaze with a greedy fire
Lips part slowly in desire

I shouldn't, yet I know I will
succumb, as usual, to Evil
It drives all good sense away
Gimme the chocolate,
I'll diet another day!!!

(Another Pri - inspired poem... This is to convince her not to throw out the chocolates we still have in the fridge!!)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

3 p.m.

Not a word heard

Nor a single key click

Not a footfall in the hall

Just the clock’s steady tick…

[Professionals hard at work

The screens’ alight alright

The pride of a company

A manager’s delight…]

It’s the call of the hour

No man dare refuse

Stay!! Keep away!!

Employee on Snooze

(When you see my office, it's impressive, very business-like! It makes you believe that there are super brains at work here - people so engrossed in work that's so important and complex... A class apart from the normal office-goers! Watch long enough and through the crack you can see - glimpses of human fallibility!!)